Border Shelter Resources
CWS works to provide a comprehensive database of resources available for border shelters, transit and welcome centers, and any non-profit organizations working on welcoming asylum seekers. In this page you will be able to find training materials, onward movement travel information, best practices tool kits, resources, and educational materials.
The work of welcoming newcomers to the United States is a collective effort made possible by many individuals and organizations committed to serving recent vulnerable newcomers in navigating their journey. The resources on this site are an example of collaborative work by local, regional, national, and international non-profit organizations committed to human rights. The work of these collective organizations aligns with the foundational principles of humanity. CWS is grateful to the following organizations for helping source this site with resources to respond to the humanitarian need of welcoming and sheltering while ensuring human rights are met – Save the Children and UNICEF. This synergy is to advance information, access, education and human rights and protection of the most vulnerable.